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What is the Cloud and How Can It Help?


The Cloud.

What do you think when you hear those words?

A fluffy white cumulus drifting over the roof of your business? Perhaps just a word uttered with total reverence by that one computer guy in the corner of the office?

Or do you think: what is the cloud?


Know the Basics

At its most basic, the cloud is just a way of saying ‘on the internet’. It’s a network of servers designed to download and upload information to and from the end user.

When you save your documents to Microsoft’s OneDrive, or the Google Drive, you’re saving it to the cloud. It’s not a physical object, the file isn’t saved on your local hard-drive; it exists on a remote server owned or rented by the company. All those photographs you have on Facebook, they’re saved to the cloud too.

The cloud, then, is just a series of servers that carry and contain all your documents, without necessitating the need to clog up your own computer. But there’s more to the cloud than just a storage solution.


Bringing Benefits to Business

The biggest businesses in the world have already started to harness the power of the cloud. Microsoft’s Office 365 package is a prime example of a ‘cloud-based service’ – delivering a range of programs for a monthly or annual subscription. And the ‘Office’ dons are far from the only company to do this; Adobe scrapped their Creative Suite and switched it out for the Creative Cloud, which like Office 365, offers apps that are downloaded from the provider. These days, even gaming consoles use the cloud to store save data and user profiles.

But what about you and your business?

Consider the way we work today: desktops, tablets, mobiles... Using cloud computing, businesses are able to sync documents and web pages with associated devices and accounts. So when you’re working in a team, you can effortlessly, and efficiently, work from the same page.

And there are other bonuses too.

Consider how much you spend – or intend to spend – on computer hardware, and maintaining the servers, and then consider how easy it’ll be to downsize or upgrade that system. Will you be able to match the growth of your company, and will you be able to afford it?


Cost of Business

Using the cloud doesn’t just take the hassle out of computer maintenance; it can lower the cost too. It can also increase your business’s overall efficiency. Forget trying to run a sluggish old Windows 95 that only occasionally works (ok, so your machine might not be that bad, but...); you’ll be dealing with advanced cloud technology that’s fast, reliable and high-performing.

Another benefit: storing data locally is not without its issues. Fire, theft, damage – the computers at your business are all susceptible, and although your insurance will cover the hardware, they’re unlikely to be able to replace lost or stolen data.

With your data on the cloud, you’ll be able to access it any place, any time, from absolutely any machine. So not only is it efficient, it’s also a guarantor of peace of mind – and that’s often a rarity in the commercial world.


Take Full Control

While choosing to buy and maintain your own hardware may seem like the perfect way to oversee your IT operation, the cloud offers a much more convenient way to take full control. Whether you’re a SME or a big brand business, harnessing the cloud’s power gives you the opportunity to concentrate on what really matters – growing your company.

Make the cloud a key part of your business, as it provides:

  • Efficiency
  • Convenience
  • A scalable model
  • Peace of mind back-up
  • Hassle-free IT support
  • Superior technology

We’ll be delighted to help achieve that admirable goal. Our premier IT services in North London have helped countless companies use the cloud to drive business, and we’d love for you to join them. Simply contact us on 0844 939 0333 and our professional team will be happy to help.
