Search Engine Optimisation
Once your website has launched, What next? You need to market your site! Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is important, you have invested the time, expense and energy in creating your great website but you can’t just expect things to happen just like that!
Search Engine Optimisation
Create a well coded SEO friendly Website and submit to Google
Create regular SEO'd content, pages, blogs & products
Use an SEO specialist to promote your website through Google and Social Networks
Make a plan, monitor the success, regularly change focus for success
Success - Sales, Customer base Grown through your own content efforts and SEO partner - 'Reinvest'
Once your website has launched, What next? You need to market your site!
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is important, you have invested the time, expense and energy in creating your great website but you can’t just expect things to happen just like that!
Investing time and money in Search Engine Optimisation
When Tristar builds a website we also give you the tools to search engine optimise your pages and will also give you an insight as to how these work, what SEO friendly URL’s are, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions etc. When you utilise these tools when adding pages and products this will help when it comes to ‘Organic Search Engine Optimisation’, but it takes time, around 8 weeks for Google to start to rank you.
We will also set-up Google Webmaster Tools, Verify your site, add Google Analytics and Google Sitemaps to get you on your way to Google recognising your site.
The important's of Organic Search Engine Optimisation.
Constant monitoring and improving your site based on analytics is essential and some of it you can do yourselves, by making sure all your Meta Titles, Meta descriptions and SEO URL’s are in place. This is key to ranking your site and just requires a little more time when you add a new page, product or blog.
Monitoring page ranking, creating 301 redirects when you remove pages is also key to having a well-ranked website.
Regular Updates – Making sure you regularly update and write your own content is important, don’t just duplicate product descriptions from suppliers.
Marketing your website both externally and on-site with, news/blog articles, social networking and on-site promotions to match and follow what you do off-site.
Working with a good SEO company is also essential in monitoring, improving and gaining valuable advice to help improve traffic and sales.

Search Engine Optimisation - What Next?
Unfortunately, it’s not just about Organic Search Engine Optimisation, you will also need to invest some marketing budget, especially with a new site in order to get you to the top of the search engines.
Working with an SEO expert is important and agreeing to a plan of action and the keywords and phrases you wish to focus on even more important as you can’t expect to get to the top for everything!
Tristar now works with an SEO expert ‘Jumping Spider Media’ so that the job of SEO is fully focused not just something that runs alongside design and development.
SEO Services Available
Tailored Campaigns
Search Engine Optimisation
Reputation Management
Link Building
Web Solutions - All your web design needs met by Tristar Web Solutions