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The myths surrounding the cloud – A guide to migrating the right way

As previously explored, the world has been forced into a dramatic change in workplace functions. Many companies have made a swift transition to a cloud-based IT infrastructure – allowing their staff team to continue working remotely.

Some, however, have not made the move to the cloud yet due to the myths and concerns that surround it. Reading this blog will hopefully ease the worries you have as we debunk some of these myths, therefore allowing you to join millions who have already made the jump into the future of IT.


The myths around cloud-IT

> It is insecure to have my data within the cloud

A common misconception is that the cloud is not secure, or at least is not as secure as on-premise storage – you couldn’t be more mistaken. The thought of something as valuable as client data being out of your physical reach can be worrying and is what allowed this myth to become so widely believed. On the contrary, in the cloud your data is if not as secure then more secure than on-premise IT for multiple reasons.

Foremost, are the enterprise-grade physical and cybersecurity defences put in place within cloud data centre environments; a purpose-built IT infrastructure to cater for any number of compliance requirements and built to defend against a wide range of threats. Defences and resilience far greater in capability and performance than those that most businesses would commonly opt to implement or afford in their singular environment. I will not meet my compliance requirements by being in the cloud.

Further to the security concerns, are the meeting of compliance requirements - whether legal obligations or industry guidelines; again, another believable myth, but if you complete the necessary prior due diligence with a provider before making the change – vetting that your data will reside only within the UK for example, you can ensure that you are compliant. Yes, if you were to store EU customer data outside of the EU you are NOT compliant. But, if you simply ask the question as to where your data is stored and identify which security procedures are in place – you can then be sure that you have taken reasonable steps to ensure compliance.


> I will no longer need backup being in the cloud

It is a misconception to some that their data is out of reach of any possible loss or corruption when in the cloud, but this is not true. As we discussed earlier, having your data stored with a good cloud provider makes your environment considerably more secure than on-premise storage. But, that does not irradicate all risk - the risk of human error is still a factor, as is the potential for file corruption, along with acts of god – among others.


> Consumer (often free) cloud apps, such as Dropbox are suitable for business

No, free cloud apps are not suitable for business use. We can all see why it is appealing to use the free option if possible, but the old saying rings true ‘you get what you pay for’. There are a multitude of reasons why free cloud apps such as Dropbox are not fit for business use. Firstly, and arguably most importantly, are the limits on data encryption in comparison to a top business cloud storage vendor - Dropbox offers limited encryption and security features that can leave customers’ data exposed. Dropbox fails too in its ability to permit the setting of granular file access permissions. Business collaboration demands granular control – ensuring individual users are provided with appropriate access levels on a ‘need to know’ basis, rather than carte blanch access to everything potentially above their pay grade.

Compliance too will genuinely become an issue with the use of such a platform Dropbox, for example, is situated in the USA – meaning, as a UK-based business, you would be in breach of your legal obligations keeping personal or sensitive data out of the country.

Hopefully, easing concerns about these myths and reality – if you choose the right path for your cloud environment - will give you the confidence to welcome a transition to the cloud with as little apprehension as possible. The cloud is the future of business IT. If you want to learn more contact us for some friendly help and advice.


Want to get the best solution for your business?

At Tristar Tech Solutions, we take a realistic approach to technology – ensuring our client’s systems are best protected.

If you have any concerns, questions or simply want to explore how to better secure your business, please do get in touch with the team for a FREE demonstration, consultation to explore how exposed your business might be and identify actions to take.

To book a consultation or to arrange a further discussion, please get in touch.

If you’re looking for IT support in Hertfordshire or IT support in North London, contact us today, and a member of our team would be more than happy to advise you.

