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The Regulations Surrounding The Disposal of IT Equipment


With the government constantly reiterating about how much of a serious issue global warming has become, the British public are now ‘in the know’ about environmental damage that has taken place over the years. Statistics about carbon emissions are released on a regular basis, and businesses have surfaced as being responsible for the largest amount of pollution in the country.

The UK population have voiced their worries, and the pressure is now on companies; so it is no wonder that some businesses have promised to reduce their carbon footprint to an absolute minimum, in a bid to show their concern and care for their customers and the environment. Regulations such as the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling scheme (WEEE) have been set to encourage companies to ‘go green’.

The WEEE is a specialist part of the waste and recycling sector that was set following an astonishing discovery by the government. This was the fact that an estimated 2 million tonnes of electronic waste are disposed of from households and businesses, with the commercial sector responsible for the majority of this waste. Many electronic items that the majority of modern companies use, like computers and other IT accessories, are all covered by this regulation.

Strict laws, such as the Environmental Protection Act of 1990, state that each company is responsible for the disposal of their computers and other IT products. The equipment is labelled in different waste categories. For instance, the computer monitor screen is categorised as hazardous waste; therefore, it should be disposed of accordingly. Regulations state that failure to comply with these environmental protection regulations could result in hefty fines or even imprisonment. These regulations are tough, and it is understandable that many companies will find them confusing to follow.

In this case, it is important to seek professional guidance from companies like us at Tristar IT Support. We offer a fully comprehensive IT disposal service that is fully compliant to the EU’s legislations, and is designed to enforce proper recycling of electrical goods. All of our services, including our IT support services in London, are available to any client; therefore if you need any help regarding any aspect of IT, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01707378453.
