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Microsoft Edge will soon let you know if your passwords suck

Microsoft Edge password manager is getting an upgrade

Microsoft is testing a handful of new features for its flagship web browser Edge, which should deliver both quality of life enhancements and help users stay protected online.

The headline improvement is an upgrade to the browser’s in-built password manager, which was introduced last year. Soon, not only will users be able to store their account credentials in-browser and autofill when required, but Edge will also raise alerts when it detects weak or re-used passwords.

The new feature, which Microsoft hopes will incentivize cybersecurity best practices, will also allow Edge users to tweak the offending credentials there and then, without having to wade through multiple password update processes

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The new-look password manager is still currently under development, but is rolling out in preview to members of the early access program. All being well, the upgrade should land in a full public build within the coming weeks.


More Microsoft Edge changes

In addition to the new password protection feature, Edge is also set to receive a couple of updates that will bolster the user experience.

For example, Microsoft is working on a new mini context menu that will house functionality such as copy and Bing search. Enabled via the settings panel, the simplified menu will give users easy access to core functions, simply by highlighting and right-clicking text.

Along with the new menu, the company will also introduce dictionary functionality to Edge, giving users an easy way to access definitions of words and phrases without having to perform manual searches.

This feature was previously available with the legacy version of Edge, before the new Chromium edition was released, but is now expected to make its way into the latest build.

These new features are the latest in a long line of improvements delivered by Microsoft since Edge (re-)launched at the start of last year. Buoyed by strong uptake, the firm has committed to building a modern service capable of standing toe-to-toe with the most popular browsers on the market, Chrome, and Safari.

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News Source: https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/microsoft-edge-will-soon-let-you-know-if-your-passwords-suck
