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Our Top Tips for Speeding Up Your PC


When it’s crunch time in the office, the last thing you want is for your computer to stop working effectively! Our IT support contracts in North London can help if you find yourself dealing with a malfunctioning machine, however in the mean time there are some things which you can do yourself to bring it up to speed and help complete those crucial tasks on time.

Startup Issues? Stop (or Delay) Autoruns

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You may find that your computer runs pretty quickly once it has actually booted, but that initial startup process takes what seems like an eon when you’re itching to get started on the day’s tasks. In that case, you probably have too many programs launching when the computer starts up, prolonging the amount of time before you can actually use the PC.

This is a pretty simple problem to fix – you can either go into individual programs to stop them launching automatically or, if you run on windows 7, open up the ‘msconfig’ page via the start menu and alter things there. You can also go into the ‘services’ page and choose to delay auto-running certain applications (rather than disabling them altogether).

Internet Woes? Clear that Cache


If the PC itself is operating smoothly, but your internet browser struggles to load up pages then it’s probably clogged up with temporary files. Regardless of which browser you prefer, you should have a ‘settings’ menu (or similar) which allows you to clear the cache as well as the cookies and download history.

Generally Sluggish? It’s Time for a Virtual Clean Up

The tips above are great for dealing with specific issues, but when your fed up of your computer just being generally sluggish it’s time to give it a more general tidy up. The first thing that you can do is to run the disk cleanup tool, which will dig through things like temporary files looking for anything which doesn’t need to be there and give you the option to get rid of it!

Happy man with computer technology

Not enough clutter to make a difference? In that case you might want to look into uninstalling unnecessary programs – anything that you downloaded on a whim and now never use, for instance – or replace bulky programs with smaller equivalents.

Even if your computer’s speed hasn’t been causing a problem it may be worth trying out a couple of these tips; you may be surprised just how much of a difference it can make. To protect yourself from more serious issues, get in touch today and find out how our generous support packages could help – give us a call at 01707 378453 or connect with us online!
