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Malware: How to Protect Yourself and Your Company


In the digital era that we are living in today and everything from our lives to our business moving to the internet, so has crime. Cyber crime and attacks are constantly on the rise. The never ending battle of securing and protecting yourself and business from Malware is a daily occurrence. So how do we protect ourselves and our company’s data from Malware?

Always Use Stronger Malware Protection

The last thing you need is to lose revenue and trust of your costumers if your data is compromised and downtime occurs. Trying to be cost effective by buying less protective software, installing it on each computer separately and intrusting your staff to manage it is not a way to go about this issue, as it could lead to a human error leaving your systems vulnerable. Best way of making sure you are protected, is by using business versions of protection software as it offers a higher level of protection and management control over your entire network, allowing you to remotely access any device that you have an issue with.

Protect From Spam Emails and Update Your Software

The most vulnerable point of access to your data is still email. There are two ways of protecting yourself from spam emails, desktop software or cloud servers. But if you are looking for more protection or better performance, cloud could be the solution. It will cost you less, save disk space as it stores all unwanted emails on the cloud server and it will reduce resources of your servers with only safe emails going through. Always update your software. The updates you download will often contain fixes for any security issue the previous version might have had.

Protecting yourself and your company from Malware is very important for keeping your business safe and secure. Malware and cyber attacks will continue evolving, but so will protection software.
