Email Archiving

Tamper-proof email archiving helps your company to stay safe and be compliant with all legal obligations.

Secure and Compliant Email Archiving Services

Email archiving is essential, but poses a risk. Whether your company simply needs access to old communications, proof in legal cases, or to comply with government regulations, emails need to be kept. But there’s always a danger that making them easily retrievable will also make them vulnerable to hacking.

If your company is in London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Essex, Tristar Tech Solutions can offer secure email archiving that works with any platform and offers capabilities greater than Microsoft 365.

  • Archived emails are securely stored in multiple sites across a wide geographical range.
  • The physical location of storage can be in Europe or North America, depending on the individual needs of your company.
  • Security includes encryption, communication protocols and electronic sealing with checksum, legally guaranteeing the authenticity of the records.
  • Emails are automatically indexed and data tagged for easy retrieval, and all retrievals are carefully logged.
  • All storage is cloud-based, so nothing is stored in your system.
    Our email archiving allows you to keep your inbox organised.
  • You can easily access your archived emails by using an Outlook plug-in.

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