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Case Studies - Gardenonaroll - OpenCart eCommerce


Gardenonaroll were using an old HTML website with PayPal buy buttons which meant they have no customer data, no ability to use a second payment gateway and no ability to make changes to content, products or pricing without contacting the existing company to make the changes.

The plan was for a website that was more modern, mobile friendly and allowed Gardenonaroll to make changes to the site themselves, add new products and blog articles.

Client Testimonial

"Tristar have worked with us to develop our brilliant new website. They have been very keen to listen to our thoughts and produce something that works for our business. would definitely recommend them!"


OpenCart 2.3.0

Fully featured OpenCart eCommerce functionality with additional bespoke elements to allow for the ability to buy borders based on width and length.

The site also benefits from a blog as Gardenonaroll create regular news items and videos and these are now featured on the homepage and news pages.


Gardenforlife had a small budget so opted for a Premium Responsive Template as opposed to a bespoke design, with layout and colour changes to reflect the company brand, this was achieved using the Cozyone theme.

Search Engine Optimisation

Currently, all SEO is done in-house organically. Tristar have given Rona help in optimising products and pages using OpenCarts inbuilt SEO tools plus some additional worthwhile modules.

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