Recent Posts by Alex Harris

Game changing features of Microsoft 365 – Co-Authoring

Game-changing features of Microsoft 365 Problem: Working on documents together is difficult and unproductive Solution: Microsoft 365 Co-Authoring Feature As we have discussed previously, Microsoft Teams is one of the leading applications of its kind. With an average daily user count of 115 million as of the end of 2020, it is safe to say…
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Game changing features of Microsoft 365 – Chat

Game-changing features of Microsoft 365 Problem: Needing a place to securely send files and documents whilst being able to instant message Solution: Microsoft Teams Chat Feature Microsoft Teams is an application released by Microsoft in 2017 with the sole purpose of improving levels of communication, collaboration, and productivity. Its rise to being one of the…
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Game changing features of Microsoft 365

Game-changing features of Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 offers the best productivity software available today. Since its conception as Microsoft Office in November 1990, the platform has been revolutionising the way we go about our daily lives. With tools to improve communication, collaboration, time management, and most importantly productivity, it has gradually become an integral part…
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